My paintings

The pictures are in no particular order, however I have moved "Poppies" to the beginning as it is sold! The "Fairy on the Moon" I painted for a friends 60th, therefore I don't have it anymore. The "Palms at Sunset" I gave to a work colleague at my first work place in Spain.

All the others are either hanging downstairs in our lounge, or are stored in the studio waiting for a home. I have done an angel which I am not happy with it, however my husband likes it, so it hangs near him.

The subject matter varies from places I have been to Moses our cat.

All have been a learning experience but as you can see they are all different, some better than others.

The pictures are signed when complete, anything unsigned is a work in progress and will be updated periodically.

These are my categories, click to view and leave a note if you like them.


Seascapes Sold Fantasy Landscapes Pets and Wildlife

Flowers Miscellaneous Abstract